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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  October 23, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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>>trace: the animal is fine but she has some store paws. shepard smith is back later with the "fox report," take a look at the dow, down 239 and the man would has much more on that, neil cavuto. and "your world." >>neil: forget who won the debate last night, that is a warn, did the corner of wall and broad say we could be falling off a cliff? welcome, everyone, i am neil cavuto. we told you to watch your boss. your boss is bummed and now we know why. stocks not only are down, but down a lot, moving down 240 points on fears of what starts a trickle has now become potentially a terrifying friend. companies that just ain't cutting it, and, now, they are
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cutting workers and screaming, you ain't seen the half of it with dupont reporting disappointing earnings and possibly 1,500 job cuts and 3m, earnings that fell shy and worstening european market. same for xerox, tightening restructuring charge of up to $100 million on the same globaller fews. radio shack, out with bigger than expected third quarter loss igniting fears consumers are retrenching. do you see a pattern? united technologies. ibm. fedex. mcdonald's. all announcing big dollar problems and bracing wall street what could be the mother of all slow downs next year. way too soon to tell. but wall street did not like any of it today.
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the s&p 500 slicing through a key support level whichs what not been visited since early september. the come back was supposedly on and now all bets are off. my guest is worried. forget whether we are having an economic attraction, but, "wall street journal" and author says we have a more worrisome earning correction. we are not the fairest of them all. what do you think of this? >>guest: the economy is so confounding. isn't it? you think the slumbering giant will pick itself up and we have a lousy week led by the earnings reports. >>neil: if the consumer are not seeing it, that is not encouraging. >>guest: it isn't. the low earnings reports are driven by one thing: consumers are not buying products right now. you look at company balance sheets and they are better than
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two or three years ago and they is cut all the fat and hope to see government do what the companies are doing. so they cannot get anymore growth by cutting their spending. they have to get consumers to buy their products. that is where the earnings are terrible right now. why aren't consumers spending? is it because they are just fearful of the future? i have said the real problem with this economy the last four years, the reason it has been an incredibly anemic recovery is the one overriding sentiment in the economy, still, four years since the economy collapsed, and it is the fear problem. that is the overriding senator tilt. >>neil: it is one finding if it was in one sector, such as technology, like intel or whatever. but now it is mcdonald's. radio shack. it has spread. there are concerns over health
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care, et cetera. >>guest: here is the vicious cycle, the tom is going through this arc and investors spend less and you get in a vicious cycle. i would say, well, we have an election in two weeks and the big issue that investors are looking at or should look at, what will happen with capital gains taxes? what will happen with the dividend tax? what will happen with small business, those things up in the air. but it depends what happens with the election. the tax rates will probably not go up if obama -- if mitt romney --. >>neil: what these guys are saying, this is a global problem. would it be solved with the locations? >>guest: i was thinking about that and i looked at stock market in november of 1994 the last time we had the big republican landslide election
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and in 24 hours of that election the market went through a six-year boom. so, maybe. >>neil: bill clinton took credit for that. >>guest: the combination of clinton who moved to the center and six great years. >>neil: if the president is re-elected would he move to the center? >>guest: i hope so. i would like to think that. probably not. but --. >>neil: he would interpret this as a vindication? >>guest: i think that, actually, that uncertainty and fear is playing on the market. in two weeks we could have a big, big, bull market. we could see that kind of 1994 change. once the cloud of fear disperses and it can happen so quickly, you can see all of these fundamentals change almost overnight. >>neil: thank you, always good to see you. in the meantime, from the meltdown to now what is looking like a dead heat head of the
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debate, a poll in the crucial state of he showing governor romney now, tied with the president. my pollster is here on what that says right now. david, what does that say right now? >>guest: it is amazing, 47 percent and 47 percent an even split in the most important state in the country. >>neil: what happened? does this factor in the debate last night? we will get rolling axes but we know from prior debates even those that the vice president had the edge on the debate points in the debate with paul ryan and the president in his second debate with mitt romney but he did not get much poll follow-through. what do you suspect is trending right now? >>guest: the overriding issue is the economy and jobs. if you look at any of the polls, the last flee polls: nevada, new hampshire, ohio, the economy and jobs is the number one issue and that drive the momentum and the continued momentum of mitt romney to this point.
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>>neil: when folks at home hear of layoffs, in the case of dupont, a drop in the stock market that could be reversed tomorrow. we do follow so many companies on the same day, saying the same thing we are worried, we are cutting back, our numbers are worse than we thought, that is unusual but having said that, do people put two and two and two and two together and say, well, my boss is worried, i should be worried? >>guest: absolutely. four years ago we were polling we were in the field in virginia when the market chanced. voters many of whom had 401(k)'s lost half of them overnight and had to blame someone and we saw in three days how the numbers flipped. john mccain, people blamed john mccain for the fact that they lost so much money. you may see the reverse of that
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happening. they will hold their politicians accountable. especially when it comes to economic issues. >>neil: i had a number of obama surrogates talking to me last night in boca raton on fox business news and one thing that came up, say what you will of the volatility of markets because recently it has been all over the map but largely off than on the dow has doubled under the president, markets have rebuked -- rebounded, so, take a bow, mr. president. what do you say? >>guest: well, it is possible. what we are looking at, if you look at those three states we polled, you look at people who said economy and jobs was the number one issue, or taxes, mitt romney leads by 30 points of those subcategories. you look at those who said health care is the most important or education is the most important issue, president obama won by 23 points.
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you have two different products on the shelf. people have to pick what they need more of. right now it is the economy, jobs and secondarily, taxes. >>neil: a nap shot in ohio if it trends this way now and showing that romney has the momentum, historically does that work two weeks before the election? >>guest: anything can happen. we know the undecided 2-1 against the incumbent and mitt romney is winning by three points write people would plan to vote and president obama leads by 13 points among people who have cast ballots. when you mix it all up you have 47 percent and 47 percent, dead even, 3 percent going to third party candidates, by the way, and 3 percent undecided. >>neil: the third party vote
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will be big in nevada and virginia, certainly. thank you. if you liked our coverage of all the debates and the conventions, the best is yet to come. we have two days of special pre-election coverage including november 3 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and we are back the following day, sunday, a special version of "your world" on sunday, november 4th and the big one of them all, election night, nonstop, we start at 6:5 p.m. we are trying to take bets and i say it will go until 2:00 in the morning but i will stay late until we have the results. the longer it goes, the more punchy i get. we will see. be with us. foreign market reaction, your reaction, kind of things you can only get in one place on fox
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business network. we told you from the beginning when fox business network started five years ago, your money, your life, and it would be our livelihood. we mean it. we are on it. tuesday the 6th. >> why is pat saying that the "ship "just hit the fan for the president. >> we have ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines. can your hearing aid do this?
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>>neil: mark zuckerberg proved himself, one of the youngest billionaire would has seen his sense of worth and value cut in half over the stocks with the latest revenue sales over all coming in a little bit north of expectations at north of $1.25
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billion. on paper he was worth in excess of $30 billion and now with the stock at $19.56, way down, from a stock that climbed to $45 but he is still a billionaire many times over. >> governor romney maybe has not spent enough time looking how our military works. you mention the navy. we have fewer ships than in 1916. we have fewer horses and bayonets. the nature of our mellary has changed. we have aircraft carriers and planes land on them. we have ships that go under water, nuclear submarines, so the question is not a game of battle ship where we are counting ships but what are our capabilities? >>neil: and that sounded condescending. >>guest: but romney was a
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wuss. they had a strategy to play safe. look, i thought he was going to endorse obama it was so bad. he was --. >>neil: the strategy was that he wasn't trying to ruffle feathers and he just wanted to sound competent and get female voters. >>pat: can you do that without being a wuss, he could have put obama away in the debate. i had someone in the room watching the debate and i said, right away, he shut have said, mr. president, the navy doesn't ride horses or wave sabers they protect the sea lanes and when you cut them by the third, the aircraft carriers, our nuclear submarines, guess what, what you have left cannot be in two places. >>neil: when he mentioned the aircraft carriers stint that --
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isn't that on water? how do you think people at home reacted? >>pat: when he mentioned the economy, the dials went up, but it was unconscionable not to address libya. to take a dive on libya. it is like in october of 1972, sitting on a debate platform with nixon and mcgovern --. >>neil: but they did not debate. >>pat: smart. >>neil: this is all about what will happen in two weeks. did this change anything in >>pat: no. if this was the first debate the selection over and obama would win. it was romney's task was not the same as the first debate. that first debate was decisive. now we have an election where he
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did what he had to do, and you can see if the last poll, if obama does not give the traditional presidential incumbent bounce, the beginning of the week, it is katie bar the door. >>neil: why didn't he get a bounce after the second debate, to --. >>pat: because romney on the economy and the issues that matter, the economy, the debt, all those issues, he did well. the president's problem is he, look, i said to you months ago, this is romney's election to lose and until october 3rd he was losing. now he is in it. we talk about ohio and talking with dave, but look what is happening in the states like pennsylvania, minnesota, states that had no money. if i said two weeks before the election in indiana in 2008, indiana and north carolina would go for president obama without have said i was crazy.
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>>neil: i say that now. this is on the verge of tipping between 1980 and 2004 and if the president did not get what he should have gotten last night, oh no. >>neil: no more tna for the t.s.a. our heroes are coming home. assembly lines are humming again. there are still challenges to meet. children to educate. a middle class to rebuild. but the last thing we should do is turn back now. president obama: i'm barack obama and... i approve this message.
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>>neil: the man called one of the most gifted c.e.o.'s of the c.e.o.-dom, informing the board he will leave the company in february of next year. again, this was widely anticipated but for serious xm
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it never caught on to the degree many thought it would. apparently it has been a problem making significant money and seeing a greater stock appreciation. so the c.e.o. is stepping down from sirius and he could have his pick of companies to go to. he is leaving sirius. this just in, the controversial airport body scanners are on their way out. the t.s.a. now swapping those machines for machines that did not take such graphic pictures. i told you so. >> i know the maker of the machines, there is going to be an image and they will be a saved image what i wear under my outfit. just so you know.
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bottom line, our bottoms are online. the t.s.a. is really into tna and i told you it would happen. i warned them, the judge says, look what happened now, the judge also warning about these things. i guess the question now, what do they go through instead? >>judge napolitano: they have not told us, but i guess they will go to a dialed back version that will not reveal as were graphic information about our parts as these do or to the old metal machines that show them what they need to see, which is metal i am not in favor of those. in my view all of this is unconstitutional and unlawful and the 4th amendment tale prohibits it, and it is insane for the government to assume the responsibility for safety in the air. >>neil: but you also have the safety net? would you live with this if it
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means that the alternative is the plane is not blowing out up. >>guest: that is not the alternative. the alternative is the airlines which have the most to gain and the most to lose maintain their own security. the government security personnel, as we learned in newark, is reprehensible. >>neil: is that a human being or an alien? i don't know how helpful it is. >>guest: that is a photograph of an image, if you are actually looking at images and i have seen these up close, and there is a good deal more detail. >>neil: they is to no one out something. they can even digitize it. >>judge napolitano: by their own statute, all they have to fine is an instrument that can harm someone else. they do not immediate to see body shapes or pornographic images or if you have explosives
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or if you have metal. now, when you approach the government and you go like this, is this the position of a free person would raises his hands in command of the government. not in the america we were born and raised. >>neil: when you go in one of the machines do you give them this? >>judge napolitano: i don't want to explain on television the run ins i have but i do a rot of flying and they are familiar with my opinions of their work is the constitutionality of their objection. some do not agree with my opinions. >>neil: but you would be the most hellish person to come across at them. >>judge napolitano: as far as i know they don't have pornographic pictures of me. not a pretty thought. >>neil: they do with me. they are not threatening but it seems like a bad science fiction movie.
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mandatory military cuts that the president signed on to and now he says forget about them, the virginia governor heard that and he wants to respond do that and he is. next. [ female announcer ] food, meet flavor.
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anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands a year in out-of-pocket costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. >>neil: governor romney is out with a new ad hammering the president over what it is calling dangerous cuts in defense. >> the world need as strong america and it is stronger now than when i came to office. >> our navy is smaller than any
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time since 1917. that is unacceptable to me. this is the highest responsibility of the president of the united states. >>neil: is a high priority for my next guest, a state with a huge navy presence, virginia republican governor with us. governor, what did you make of the dismissive view, the president's view of navy, not like the old days, quit focusing on the past and what was big then? >>guest: well, i thought it was an unbelievable statement to compare horses and bayonets to naval ships today. the defense review says we need 346 ships. >>neil: but panetta used the world war i analogy, his defense secretary but when he used that,
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the aircraft carriers and all that, that the aircraft carriers threat on war, by i degrees. do you think the president helped or hurt himself? i got a laugh in the press room, the spin room, but it did not resonate at home? >>guest: it hurt for him. in virginia it hurts our country if this policy goes into play. we are headed to 250 ships. china is on the upswing with ships and it undermines the ability the american war fighter to maintain a strong presence for good around the world and for us, in virginia, 200,000 jobs are being lost by the defense cuts that president obama refuses to intervene. so home of the united states navy, increase folk naval base, this is not a good policy or is it helping him with the voters. >>neil: we will see if that is the case. what crossed my mind, maybe
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because i am a resident nerd he talked about sequestration and he dismissed them out of hand. react to this, quickly. >>guest: the quaestor is not something i propose. it is something that congress has proposed. it will not happen were the budget we talking about is not reducing our military spending. it is maintaining it. >>neil: why believe he has the power to make it not happen. >>guest: there were multiple false hooteds. he has not had a budget in 3 1/2 years so i am not sure what he is talking about. he is wrong. if we do nothing, this sequestration defense cut $1 trillion to defense over the next 10 years, it will go into effect january 1 and notices go out for the defense contractors in the next ten days. so unless the lame duck session --. >>neil: do those workers, we are told the white house requested the notices be
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delayed. what do you hear? >>guest: well, what the president has said is if you don't send them out and you are sued we will pay the legal freight that is unacceptable and that is not correct it is up to the defense contract. some will send them and some won't. point is, the president's refusing to leads. after the super committee failed he has a year, a year to get congress to work together and get an alternative. the house of representatives pass a bill if may and it has been sitting on harry reid's desk for six months and we have hundreds of thousands of men and women in uniform from virginia who are not getting the support they need because of the uncertainty in the defense department and with the defense contractors and hundreds of thousands of jobs in virginia so it is a failure of leadership. that is why mitt romney is the only one that will turn this around and lead. >>neil: thank you very much, governor. >> ripping over russia.
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>> a few months ago you asked, what is the biggest geopolitical threat facing america and you said russia. not al qaeda, but russia. in the 1980's, now, are asking for their foreign policy bet because the cold war has been over for on years. >>guest: i will not wear rose colored we glasses with russia or putin and i will not say i will give you more flexibility after the election. after the election he will get more backbone. >>neil: all right, k.t. joins us and says the governor has it right. >>guest: the second debate made everyone woman angry sounding like two squabbling boys. we wanted them to go work it out. many had a different reaction. you like thinginge arguing. i like that mitt romney did not
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swing, and not take bait. who was he talking to? suburb an women. those are the people. >>neil: i can understand not taking a swings but something? dance? weave? >>guest: romney had to do three things. >>neil: did he explain russia? >>guest: he didn't take it. >>neil: what do you think of russia? everyone leads to russia, financing for iran and al qaeda, it does goes back to russia. he should proudly own that. and take that. >>guest: he did. where he could have gone with that compensate was when the president implied al qaeda was a big threat, five daze before september september you were at the democratic convention and said al qaeda was not a problem and then five days later they killed an ambassador from america. >>neil: but he didn't do that. the crown -- drone caught the
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crowds, but that was an opportunity lost by mitt romney. >>guest: i am not sure. i i would have taken more punches. here is the thing. romney needed to not sound like george bush. he needed to sound like reagan. i will be an economic power and use economic warfare against our enemies and fix the economy. national security is number one, is the economy. if the economy doesn't work nothing else works. >>neil: women do not like the bluster? they don't like the constant arguing. what do you like? >>guest: how long have you been married? >>neil: candy and flowers? >>guest: to look presidential. what did he do and he lured obama into looking snarky.
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>>neil: a brillant woman like you will go for snarky over substance? >>guest: no, i won't, that is the advantage that romney had, he got obama to behave that way. >>imus: this explains more women moving to romney? >>guest: he has gone from 18 points pro obama and now down to 11 points. all romney needs to do is get a few more percentage points of suburban women and he wins. why? men have already voted. they have decided they like romney. he has to get the women's vote and you do not want to look like a warmongerrer. the interesting thing, obama gave himself an opportunity to have some kind of an october or november surprise. >>neil: there are two weeks. >>guest: he could do it the he could say we now have information, i want to announce to the membership we have done drown strikes in eastern libya
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and gone after the al qaeda training cans. could move the meter ifing nothg else will. >>neil: whatever you say, dear. >>guest: you are happilily happen -- happy being married. i, brochures, posters copies of my acceptance speech. great! it's always good to have a backup plan, in case i get hit by a meteor. wow, your hair looks great. didn't realize they did photoshop here. hey, good call on those mugs. can't let 'em see what you're drinking. 7o get nasty. here's your "honk if you had an affair with taylor" yard sign. looks good. [ male announcer ] fedex office. now save 50% on banners.
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thank you, mr. speaker, uh, members of congress. in celebration of over 75 years of our government employees insurance company, .. newcaster: breaking news. the gecko is demanding free pudding. and political parties that are actual parties! with cake! and presents! ah, that was good. too bad nobody could hear me. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. >> now it is getting confused. apple has a smaller ipad, a smaller version with 7.9" screen, and weighs half as much with a new version of that one, too, if you go to their site there are 5,000 different offerings here. good luck figuring it out. but the mini, microsoft, also,
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has something coming out on the very same day you can buy these, the first time it has gone into hardware to make something like this all in the same day and it will be like this, great nuclear great at the same time. retailers are beefing up plans to bring in customers for the holidays, and toys 'r us, and revamping layaway and reservation options and the guy lead all of this, the toys 'r us c.e.o. you have your own kid ipad version. >>guest: yes, we have a special pad, full of kids' applications both learning applications and fun ones like angry birds at $149.99. >>neil: half the price of the mini ipad. >>guest: it gives children a
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chance to use a pad and play with it. it is doing awesome with huge reservations and it launches this week, and sales are through the roof. >>neil: you hired a lot of prairie christmas house. >>guest: 45,000 and last year was 40,000. we added a lot of services, like layaway which is going fantastic. a huge surge in people getting their products through layaway and now it is free at toys 'r us. >>neil: what does that mean, layaway? you commit to getting the gift and when do you pay for it >>guest: customers come to the store, pick out the product, put down a deposit and get it between now and december 16 and they pay during that period. they pay down. >>neil: when they finally get it they have to have it paid for not like you are stringing temperature along. >>guest: we have been doing this for years and customers lover it because it is a way spread out the payment, and, also, since what we talking
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about is a gift for your child you have a chance for us to store it rather than you storing it. >>neil: and you get the hot sellers early. >>guest: we have huge presells on nintendo's new platform, a basic system in a long time and it is selling qualify and lego's is very strong. >>neil: and it has expanded to girl? >>guest: yes, one of the hottest sellers if decades. toy makers have tried to get it for girls and now necessity have a big hit with that. and now, another year of hot products. >>neil: even though there are worrisome news from radio shack and others. >>guest: customers love the freeways they love the our price match guarantee, and they know when they buy it at toys 'r us
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we will match anyone's prices with free rices and toys you cannot buy and we have seen in the past economic signs the last thing parents cut back on is the holiday presents for kids so we do well even when the economy is tough. >>neil: you are all right not sleeping. >>guest: it has begun. we are focused on the layaway orders. >>neil: we check with you throughout the holiday season. thank you, toys 'r us c.e.o. he has turned that operation around. >> and now, staff from "the five," and what is coming up. >>guest: we will highlight our favorite moments and get to obama's plan for the next four years. with 14 days left he finally has decided to let us know what an obama second term will look like. better late than never. we will do a political lightning round which we started doing here on "the five," picking a story no one else is covering and we talk about it.
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we will get into a lot of stuff, mostly licks and have a lot of fun like we usually do. >>neil: all good natured. you do have food tasters, right? >>guest: we have to watch beckel because there is a green room and we don't know what he will do. thank you for letting us talk about "the five," you are all right i don't scare what bob says about you. >>neil: that is very hurtful. thank you for your final thank you for your final appearance here on "your world., c-max has a nice little trait, you see, c-max helps you load your freight, with its foot-activated lift gate. but that's not all you'll see, cause c-max also beats prius v, with better mpg. say hi to the all-new 47 combined mpg c-max hybrid.
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>>neil: from immigrant to independent congressional candidate. my next guest so unhappy where washington he decided to make
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matter indo his hands one of two independent candidates challenging this guy, democratic congressman ted deutch in the florida congressional race. there is for republican in the race. we spoke to the congressman yesterday. here today is mr. henado who came here from colombia, at 16. he says the american dream is still alive. very good to have you. >>guest: thank you for having me. >>neil: you came here when you were eight with your mom. and you became a legal citizen in 2002, correct? >>guest: that is correct. i actually came here on my own when i was telephone. i took a two month journey through central america and by an act god i was able to make it into the united states. today, i am so proud of being able to represent and have the opportunity to represent the people of district 21. 10 years ago i did become a u.s. citizen the happy of the day my
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life and i promised god i would be a servant of the community. i wanted to serve the united states of america to the best of my ability. >>neil: why as an independent, you could is run as a republican, where there were no republics running, what is the deal? >>guest: as i walk around my district people are tires of the politics going on in washington, most political parties will tell you that washington is broken, and politicians will tell you that washington is broken. but the reality is, the membership american voter is responsible to what is going on in washington. we have to be honest and realize we are responsible for putting the same politicians back in washington that are backed by special interests, corporates, and have those interests more ahead than the american people's interests. >>neil: who do you think speaks more two the immigrant community, the latino immigrant community, you started obviouslyily and you became legal and rubio said there has to an way to help those who are
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children of illegal immigrants become permanent citizens but there is a division. how do you feel about him and have you never sought out his endorsement? >>guest: i know senator rubio personally. he is a rising star of the republican party and he is the only senator in the republican party who has touched the immigration issue. unfortunately for the last 26 years, both political parties have made the immigration issue a political issue. there is no willingness to actually solve the problem. >>neil: how do you feel about president obama's approach? when you worked in congress you and yourself have said, you had lunch with then senator obama? >>guest: yes, i know president obama personally and he tale made a promise to the hispanic community he would do immigration reform in the first term. obviously, he failed. >>neil: do you like his reform efforts or what he is trying to do? >>guest: i did fought like his
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effort because there was no effort to have immigration reform done in the first two years of the presidency so i am very disappointed that he had a congress and was not able to pass immigration reform. >>neil: we will watch the race closely. thank you for joining. >>guest: i appreciate the opportunity. >>neil: when we come back, we are the money midgets because it is hard to stand tall when you are very deep in a ditch.
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. in america tay we're running out of a vital resource we need
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to compete on the global stage. what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough college graduates to fill them. that's why at devry university, we're teaming up with companies like cisco to help make sure everyone is ready with the know-how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure america's ready. make sure you're ready. at ♪ >> neil: we are what we are worth. right about now we are not worth a lot. in fact, on paper, we are not worth anything. we as a country owe more than we have. simple as that. it explains why you can count the countries that respect us on half a hand it seems. no wander what other countries are showing us the finger. that's what happens when you are broke. friendships break. trust break.
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respect breaks. $16 trillion in debt does that. it makes your friends snicker and the enemies scowl. leave it to iran's president to question whether we're up to the task, to lecture and let alone lead the world. pardon my french but ain't not being rich a bitch? try as i might, i never recall a restaurant maitre d' offering table to homeless person. rich guy would throw another family out of a restaurant to make room. no, it's not fair, no, it's not right. but it is just is. we go and friends owe. i'm surprised the conundrum got more than a passion mention in the foreign poll isy debate. no wonder we don't go too far to rat the creditors' cages. that's how much we need and fear china. we swallow nonsense from china and figure stupidly, in my opinion, that we need china or
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china needs us. i think china needs us more than we need them but i degress. who can blame china for thinking we are losers? it figures to find willing buyers for its stuff. how many countries do you see lining up to buy our stuff, our debt? i wish i heard that at least once last night but maybe both candidate race frayed to admit the inescapable truth. with keep going deeper in debt. we'll never be the same country. we owe, we go. if we can't look after our own affairs how the heck will we look after the world's affai affairs? my friends, look at the numbers. take a good look. take a look at that. no surprise the world is our number. no surprise at all. that will do it. good night.


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